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Scene DMs

A journey through the minds of two best friends from Toronto who are huge fans of two things movies and basketball this podcast was created to be a bridge between cinematic works of art and the world of sports from two film buffs who also happen to be professional athletes.


SceneDMs Issue #23 - The One Where They’re All Grown Up

SceneDMs Issue #23 - The One Where They’re All Grown Up

Issue #23 “The One Where They’re All Grown Up” Intro between Merv & DuuNo What are our thoughts on the writing strike? ACT ONE - Childhood stars that grew up to become important and prominent actors in Hollywood in their adult careers, who comes to mind? ACT TWO - It can take years and years for certain actors to perfect their craft and truly create something great. But for some, it comes naturally, with little experience, and at a very young age. Casting child actors is always a risky and unique process, especially if they are playing a pivotal role. What specific performance from a kid actor is among our favourites? ACT THREE - As we like to do here at sceneDMs not only do we discuss film but we also look at TV. When it comes to television series especially in a day and age where there are so many shows and prestige tv or Netflix series. Who are some dope kid actors or kid actors in general from back in the day that we enjoyed watching on TV? Wrap up.. “Lemme Put you on” Suggestion segment. Part of the show where we suggest one movie and one tv show we think would be worth tapping into. We take pride in our recommendations and if you want to check out more, please visit our scenedms page on twitter and IG where we post them. If you have any movie or tv recommendations for us to discuss or review on future episodes then please visit our page, comment underneath our posts on social. Or email us, if you have any questions that you’d want us to answer on the next show.

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